04 Apr 2 important questions every Logo Designer should ask before starting Logo Design work
The logo design will be created eventually by answers to few basic questions that each logo designer should know. The entire logo design is based on these 5 questions. If a logo designer works properly on these questions, the logo designer will not fail in creating a perfect logo design.
The first question is “Who is the client?” The logo designer must have a complete idea about whom is he working for and what is the logo exactly meant for. Analysing the company’s aims, goals and values and researching on where the company will probably stand in the next 10years etc are the details that a logo designer must have.
The second question is “Who is the target audience”? The logo designer should have an idea that for whom the logo is especially addressed to. Is it meant for the delicate women or for the old aged people or the children who are constantly active?
A nice way of having knowledge of all these is a typical form that must be given to the client. The client will properly fill in all the details and you will get a systematic form.
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