05 Apr How can you find advertisers for your website?
Advertisements in your website are one of the methods to earn good money from your website. But finding the advertisers and ending up with a nice deal is not that easy. Before going for advertisements, make sure that you have the following things –
- Website has a good traffic
- A defined audience
- A professionally designed website
- Proper space for advertisement with “Advertise Here” text.
After having a focuses website, you can go for direct advertisement on your website. Below mentioned are ways where you can find your advertisers.
People who link to your website
A company linking to the articles on your websites or a company who is willing to add your website under the “Resources” section might have interest in advertising at your website. Approach them directly and ask them if they want to advertise on your website
People who comment on blog or reply e-mails
Many people comment on blogs on your website. If anyone of them is a founder of any company or at a high position, you can ask the person if they are interested in advertising with you.
Adwords Advertiser
Many companies advertise on other websites like Google Adwords. These companies might be interested in other online advertising also. Research about them and approach them.
Advertisers on websites similar to yours
Check out the top websites similar to your website and see what kind of companies is advertised in those websites. You can search for similar companies and contact them asking if they are interested in advertisement.
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