Identify the Right Hosting Provider

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Identify the Right Hosting Provider

Every individual has his own set of needs and requirements. In today’s world, many of us rely a lot on the reviews that are being given by the hosting companies themselves instead of understanding their own particular needs. So, we have shortlisted some of the basic key points that you should keep in mind before employing any hosting provider.

1)  Do you know your needs?
The most deliberate mistake done by humans is this. Most of the time we look forward to knowing more about the others than knowing about one own self. It is very important to have a clear idea about your own needs and requirements- the features and the kind of technical support that you would need during the process. This saves a lot of time as well as gets done without delay.

2)  Your platform – Server Platform:
Whether its Windows or Linux, you should be done with contemplating over it and deciding for yourself. Each has its own identity and its own features. You should evaluate the pros and the con’s and know which one does your website require the most. WordPress Website development would require linux hosting plan.

3)  A network that follows you:
A very important issue because of the high traffic in the web world is the network uptime.
Choose the provider who guarantees you 100-99.9% uptime.

4)  Your data should get transferred:
This is measured by ‘Bandwidth’. Your account will have a bandwidth limit and so please don’t fall prey to the providers who lure you by promising unlimited bandwidth to you.

5)  RE-check & Evaluate:
Go for a hosting plan that lets you upgrade your site as per your requirement. This is known as ‘Scaling’.

6)  Your website-Your Space:
It’s your website which speaks about your business and therefore it’s you who has to decide the space that you require. A 20mb space is the minimum that you would want to have. Advance and latest features in your account might need more space to fit in and function properly. Check the space plans also.

7)  Miscellaneous:
Look out for a provider who offers you 24*7 ftp access, let you access your private cgi-bin dictionary and informs you about automatic script installer.

Wish you all the very best. Stay Secured!

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