17 Apr Increase your website speed: Optimizing frond-end performance
Website optimization is a very important element which affects various aspects of website design. There are 3 main types of optimization: Front-end performance, server-side scripting and hardware optimization. Below mentioned are the guidelines for front-end performance optimization.
- Eliminate unimportant elements – If you really want your website’s speed to be fast, you should eliminate unnecessary website elements like design, images, videos, graphics or Flash. With this, even your HTTP requests will be eliminated thereby increasing your website speed.
- Go for content delivery network – You always have an option to choose CDN i.e. Content Delivery Network. CDN is a large group or chain on computers that deliver information to the end users. The availability of multiple servers leads to increase in speed of your web pages. People will be happy if their web pages load more quickly and they will rely more on your website.
- Gzip is a good option – Gzip is the software which lets your file to reduce the HTTP response which in turns leads to increased speed of your website. Gzip comes for free of cost.
- Position the stylesheets at the upper part of the website – Positioning your style sheets at the upper section of the website helps in increasing the speed of your web page. It is very useful for people will slow internet connection. When they open web pages which has more content, more time is taken to load. Use of stylesheets in the upper section of website will help in enhancing the speed.
- Images should be saved in a right format – Sometimes to increase your website speed, you might end up deleting few images from the website. But an alternative to deleting websites is saving it in a right format so that its file size reduces. You can save an image in JPEG format and charts, logos can be saved in PNG or GIF format.
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