05 Apr Keep it easy for people to comment on your blog
There are small things that a blog developer should keep in mind. These small things can reduce the usability of the website. People read your blogs and wish to comment sometimes. The interest of people in your blogs should be taken seriously as it helps in SEO. Remember that the reader is the king and everything should be as simplified as possible for the reader.
This is post is with respect to the simplification if commenting on the posts for the people. Whenever a reader is about to comment, his comment should be seen straightway in the list of comments without any errors. But sometimes, the comments are kept hanging for moderation purpose which irritates the reader. Blog developers like WordPress have plugins for filtering spam comments. A blogger should make use of such plugins.
Many ask the reader to enter CAPTCHA filters. It should be avoided. But if CAPTCHA cannot be avoided, at least make those words readable. Sometimes a window pops out asking for signing in. Such small things can cause irritation to the reader and he might simple close the window.
A blogger should take upon himself the task of keeping his blog user friendly to increase and maintain its usability.
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