Photo retouching using Photoshop

Photo retouching using Photoshop

It is important to follow certain steps while retouching a photo or an image.  There are numerous websites which are pretty good at image editing and creative retouching. The editing and retouching is best when the edited image doesn’t seem to edited. Adjustments of contrast , exposures, color temperature and depths of the image makes the image look more natural and better.

Example : – When you are editing a photo of a women, following are the techniques to obtain an overall better effect of the photo.

    1. Firstly remove the black spots on the face or on the body with the help of Spot Healing Brush. This gives a clear skin effect to the photo.


    1. Give some blending effect to the eyes so that they look more beautiful. Choose the blending mode “Soft Light”.


    1. To make the skin look beautiful , use Surface Blur option. Do not use Gaussian Blur as it blurs the entire thing unlike surface blur. Surface blur still retains the edges.


    1. You can make the facial features like lips look more beautiful by giving them shiny white effects.


    1. You can also interfere with the depth of the colour and contrast for the hair. Adjust the curves by adding Curves Adjustment Layer according to the required settings.


    1. You can brighten the teeth by selecting the teeth using “Quick Selection Tool” and adjust the “Hue-Saturation Adjustment layer.”


There are many more techniques which beautify the image and gives it a wonderful effect. Photoshop provides features right from cropping to adjusting color tones and many more.

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