28 Mar What 3 things make your website grow popular?
- Advertisement – The man who stops advertising to save money is like the man who stops the clock to save time. Advertise at the right place for the right group of people. The fastest growing social networking site Facebook is something that can earn u a lot. Likewise, advertisements on other popular sites such as Yahoo.com, Google.com, Rediffmail.com will gain you a huge amount of popularity. Advertise with elements such as the key message of your site, special offers and provisions and design it in such a way that makes people inquisitive.
- Website Standards – Always maintain your website standard. Plagiarism will straightway take you to a lower standard. Let the web design suit the website . A search engine website should be very simple and basic whereas a shopping website can be attractive with colourful images. Keep the content of the website updated. Advertisements popping up in the middle of the screen disturbs the user.
- User friendly – The website should be precise in each and every aspect. The provisions on your website should be well divided and explorable for the user to browse easily. Quick hyper links is an important element here.
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