07 Apr What is a Bad Website Design and how to avoid creating bad Website
Web design is somewhat a list of rules and disciplines which are essential to create a website. There are some set of standards that a web designer should follow in order to make a distinctive website. To make an eye catchable website, along with adopting the correct tools and techniques one should also ignore bad factors which contributes in making a bad website.
Factors that contribute to the designing of bad website:-
There are many factors that contribute in designing of a bad website and the following are the most important ones:
Loud Backgrounds: – Sometimes web designers use loud and gaudy background colors, use of such loud colors in background reduce the text visibility and also creates disturbance for the site viewers.
Text Font & Format: – Selection of text font and format is a very essential in web designing. Text too small or too big, text all in caps, text inappropriate in reference to background color, Underlined text that is not a link are some of the mistakes that one can make in selecting text font and format.
Graphics: – Graphics are generally images which are used in a website for various purposes. But sometimes large graphic files that take forever to load and also Graphics that don’t fit on the screen (assuming a screen of 800 x 600 pixels) should be ignored.
Junk: – Junk includes Blinking texts, slow buffering videos, pop ups, useless ads etc all these junks relatively effects the browsing speed.
Hence to create a perfect website one should always try to ignore the above mentioned factors and should use modern tools and techniques to implement his creativity and web designing skills.
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